
Ep 21: Fire & Ice with Blazin Scoops

Xzibit: It’s the Lasagna Ganja Podcast with Mr. X to the Z, Xzibit.

Tammy: And I’m your girl Tammy, a.k.a. The Cannabis Cutie.

Xzibit: We have another amazing episode on the way. What’s your favorite Wu-Tang Clan song?

Tammy: Ahh… C.R.E.A.M.? It’s hard because I don’t know any titles to the songs!

Xzibit: Oh yeah! Raekwon ‘The Chef’, Method Man, Ol’ Dirty. Do you know all 9 members?

Tammy: No. I do know Slice though! I just spoke with him yesterday. Do you know Slice? He’s the assistant to RZA.

Xzibit: No, I don’t know any of the assistants or managers. I just know the rap groups.

Tammy: They are the GOATs! I feel like nothing happens without them.

Xzibit: Absolutely. Well, I asked you that question because today we have somebody very special with us.

Her name is Catrina and she is with Blazin Scoops, which is a medicated ice cream. Ice cream and cannabis, they just go together!

Tammy: They really do! It’s like music to my ears. Are you going to eat a lot of ice cream or take it slow?

Xzibit: I don’t know, I like to take 1,000 mg brownies.

Tammy: Oh yeah, the ‘X-dose’. That’s what I’m calling it. Have you always been able to do these high doses, or did you build up to this level? Are you even coherent when you take that much?

Xzibit: I just sky-dived straight into it! Absolutely I will be coherent, or I’ll just go to sleep.

Tammy: 1,000 mg of THC would have me gone for a week. I’d go into the light!

Xzibit: You and that light. I don’t like the idea of dancing with death. Even just touching the light I’m afraid will leave remnants.

Tammy: Well, I feel like those remnants are better than the remnants here.

Xzibit: Let’s bring her in. Catrina, how are you?

Catrina: I’m fine, how are you guys?

Xzibit: Good! Tell us about Blazin Scoops. How did you get started with cannabis and ice cream?

Catrina: Basically, I just don’t like most edibles and I think they’re very boring. I didn’t like the way they felt, tasted, anything about them.

So I created something that’s not on the market, that hits you within 4-10 minutes without any bitter taste. Just like smoking weed! Then, I put it into ice cream.

Xzibit: I’m not going to ask for your secrets, but how do you infuse it? With oil?

Catrina: No, it is not oil-based at all. I use two products, a solid and a liquid. The process takes about 22 hours.

There's nothing else I can do to make them more potent. I don’t anyone to be scared of the high, because a lot of people are afraid of edibles these days.

Xzibit: It’s hard to get the dosage right. Did you run into any issues with some parts of the ice cream being stronger than others?

Catrina: At first, yes. But since it is so fast-acting, it doesn’t feel the same as edibles.

Tammy: You said it feels like you just smoked?

Catrina: Right, it goes on gradually and then eventually it goes away.

Xzibit: Do you also smoke?

Catrina: Sometimes, I just don’t want to smell like it.

Tammy: I actually love smelling like a blunt. I’m hotboxing the car before going into a restaurant, every time!

Xzibit: Man, I’ll walk into church smelling like weed. I believe Jesus smoked weed!

Tammy: Yes, it was in the anointing oil. He was doing a lot of his healing with THC oil, and was crucified for it. Much like we are today.

Xzibit: Take that, Google and Apple! Catrina, let’s see some of the products that you brought with you today.

Oh wow look at this, Strawberry Cake Crunch. The packaging looks great. How do you get this into stores?

Catrina: I’m actually working on that now. Once I find a distributor that offers me a deal that I’m happy with, you’ll be able to find Blazin Scoops in the freezer section of stores.

Tammy: Okay, so this entire thing is 100 mg?

Catrina: 200 mg.

Xzibit: Oh okay, so I’ll need about 5 of these!

Catrina: Well, just remember that it’s a different high. It’s not the same edible high that you’re used to.

Xzibit: It’s dope because you have a dosing label on the top. Like a ‘How To’ for people trying this for the first time.

2 Tablespoons: Feel good. 4 Tablespoons: You’re elevated. 6 Tablespoons: You’re floating. 10 Tablespoons: Snoop Dogg!

Tammy: So 10 tablespoons for chronic pain relief, I think I need 10. This smells amazing. Mine smells like apples.

How is yours? Yours looks like those strawberry shortcake ice cream bars. Let’s trade!

Xzibit: Apple Me Over. Wow, this is really good!

Tammy: There is a little hint of weed, which is good. I need something to cause my kids to spit it out if they were to accidentally try it. I keep it out of their reach, but there’s only one freezer in my house, so I’m just saying if it ever came to that.

Xzibit: God, this is so good. Are you currently in any stores at all yet?

Catrina: No, I’m working on it right now. Talking to people about it.

Xzibit: Okay, so what is the goal for Blazin Scoops? There’s not many freezer THC items, although there are some. But I've never seen this before.

Your packaging looks so great, is it a costly process? How hard is it going to be to scale this?

Catrina: It’s not that hard. I do things the old fashioned way. Everything is made from scratch.

Tammy: When you say ‘made from scratch’, can you give the audience a better understanding of what that looks like? Without giving away all of your secrets, of course.

Catrina: Sure. (shows product) This is what I put into the ice cream. I’m trying to show people a whole different form, because oil doesn’t go into ice cream.

This is what I call Medicated Rx. You can put it into 95 percent of your food. A lot of things can’t be made oil-based, such as peach cobbler or certain pastries. This is the alternative.

You can put it in coffee, tea, whatever you desire. You’ll get the same high within 4 to 10 mins.

Xzibit: Wow, did you put a patent on that?

Catrina: No, because if you tell a secret, it’s not a secret.

Xzibit: If you don’t patent it, somebody’s going to try to steal the secret.

Catrina: People have already tried. I’m not going to say names, because they’re pretty big. I gave them a sample and they took it to their lab and tried to figure it out, but couldn’t.

That’s why I say it’s not meant for other people. It took me a year of hard work to create this.

Xzibit: Let’s get into that. How did you start working with cannabis in order to figure that out? Are you a chemist? Did you have to go to school?

Catrina: No, I didn’t have to go to school. I was just high and I tapped into my higher self, spiritually. Our brains are the most powerful things, we just don't use all of it.

People don’t know just how creative their brains can be or how far they can go because they are blinded from so many other things. I took myself away from the world and isolated myself.

Tammy: And this is what came to you? Wow, that is so beautiful to hear. I’m already feeling the effects. I’m a lightweight.

I’m normally not an edibles kind of girl because I don’t like citrus terpenes. When edibles are made, all kinds of terpenes are thrown in there and I sometimes have a weird reaction to a specific terpene.

Catrina: I tell people to base it off of their tolerance, which is why I put the dosage chart on the top.

Xzibit: You can’t taste the cannabis, you have all of the nutritional facts on here, and you’ve got your warning labels. This is a great product.

Tammy: I like that you can read all of the ingredients. That’s really important.

Xzibit: On the Lasagna Ganja Podcast, we talk to everybody about their process. Whether it's the smallest person on the block or the biggest person.

For distribution, with ice cream being a perishable product, I assume you’ll need freezer trucks?

Catrina: Yes, and it will last about 6 months in your freezer. Also, you’ll never see the freezer burn like with regular ice cream. It’s because I make it the old fashioned way, everything's natural.

Xzibit: So you’re using wholesome ingredients, therefore it’s a better product.

Catrina: Yes, everything is from scratch. From the strawberry sauce to the apples.

Xzibit: I keep talking about scale because I’m worried. What happens if you get picked up and you get an order for 10,000 units?

Catrina: No problem, we can do that. People don’t realize that when you’re making from scratch, it’s a lot cheaper.

Xzibit: I understand that, but you’re going to need other bodies helping you.

Catrina: I do have other people helping me, but I’m very particular and don’t want to lose the quality. Most companies lose the quality aspect once they grow to a bigger scale, and I don’t want that to happen.

You hear it all the time, a company will get big and people will complain that the quality isn’t the same any more. You’ll lose customers like that.

Tammy: The reality of it is, some people want to stay small. They don’t want to become a giant corporation.

I like the idea of people wanting it to keep it in their possession to maintain the quality. You always love to see a smaller company get on, but a lot of times once they do they’re literally gone.

Catrina: This is going to be consistent. I can teach people how to make their own ice cream, or whatever food they desire.

Xzibit: What are your thoughts on somebody potentially approaching you about partnering? Would you be open to that or do you want to drive this thing the whole way?

Catrina: I would be open to having partners, it would just have to be the right fit.

Xzibit: What’s the right fit?

Catrina: First, it depends on intentions. If I partner with somebody, are you the type to just want to turn around and sell it off to somebody else?

I’ve had offers, but I’m just waiting for the right person to come along so that we can expand.

Xzibit: I’ve been in some cut throat industries: music, film, television, and I thought there were sharks in THOSE industries…

It’s nothing compared to the cannabis industry. People will kill their own mama in this industry!

Catrina: I know! I have people trying to buy me out all the time, but to me, it’s just not worth it. What I’m getting into is a million dollar industry.

If I know how much I can make, then you have to offer me a deal that makes sense to me. I’m looking for longevity, not a quick payout. I’m creating my own lane and introducing something new.

Xzibit: That’s difficult to do, because most cannabis products are flour-based, oil-based, or some sort of combination. Gummies, chocolates, all that stuff is based on the same product.

Catrina: Right, and now it’s going to be endless possibilities. I sped up the reaction time so it’s a whole different lane.

Xzibit: What other products are you interested in making?

Catrina: Nothing, just this. Because you can use it in so many different ways.

I originally made this just for cooking purposes, so that I can teach consumers how to use it to make not only ice cream but whatever food they desire.

Here’s a hint: I can take 290 grams of weed and make 15 pounds of ice cream, using 2 gallons of this Medicated Rx. Pure across the board.

Xzibit: So why don’t you package and sell the Medicated Rx?

Catrina: I am, that’s the whole point. I tried to get Medicated Rx out there before, but people just didn’t understand what it was.

I put it in ice cream so that people can understand the feeling, the taste, and everything else.

Tammy: And that will bring them back around to your product. I love that you know your worth too, that’s so important.

My question is, how many flavors do you have? If that’s your main product, do you just have a huge bank of different flavors or combinations?

Catrina: I have 15 flavors. I just created a Cinnabon flavor. Like I said, the possibilities are endless. You can make whatever you want.

Tammy: So it can be cooked in food as well as used in cold food?

Catrina: Yes. You can make crusted pies, buttermilk biscuits, you can even grate this!

Tammy: Does it have a flavor?

Catrina: No. You’ll just have to try it to fully understand.

Tammy: Oh yeah, I’m going home and I’m going to put some in my tea.

Catrina: Or coffee. Like I said, it’s pretty much endless at this point. I’m just trying to speed up the cannabis industry. I’m not trying to be funny, they need help. It’s all oil, oil, oil.

Tammy: It's because the cannabinoids are not water soluble. The weed needs a fat to bind to in order for it to work. We know that butter and oil are good carriers for the cannabinoids so that they’re effective.

Without that fat, you’re not getting much. Just THC-A, which will give you some relief but not as much. I’d say that we just haven’t had any new ideas because the butter and oil are working.

But, we would love something better. Something like this!

Catrina: I just feel like people complain a lot about the oil and butter based edibles. They don’t like the taste or how long it takes to hit.

A lot of patients who take medicine like that actually get sick because of the oil. A lot of people tell me how they prefer my product because it doesn’t make them sick.

They ask me what it is about their medication that makes them sick, and I try to explain it to them. It’s basically a better way of eating.

Xzibit: If you made a cookbook and a well-packaged explanation of what your product is, I think you’d be off to the races.

Tammy: Yeah, that’s very exciting. I need to know, is there some kind of like NDA?

Catrina: It’s a 22-hour process, very long but very worth it. I also teach people how to cut it.

Xzibit: You said that you can grate it. Does that mean it’s like a cheese?

Catrina: It’s dairy, I’m taking over the dairy lane.

Xzibit: Yumm, ‘Cannamilk’!

Catrina: Nope, not that either. I do one thing, and get two items. So it takes a long time for me to pull it. If I were to mess up and not pull it right, it could produce less liquid. It’s all about me pulling it.

Xzibit: Do you do that by hand or machine?

Catrina: By hand. I could do it by machine, but I’d say 95 percent of the time it’s by hand. It’s very important that it stays at the right temperature. If it goes over, it messes up everything.

So I can’t just start the process and then walk away, I have to stick with it the whole time.

Tammy: Please protect your IP because this is so cool.

Xzibit: And make sure you get the right partner in, because I want to see you scale. I know that it’s a labor of love and that it takes a lot of effort to do this. I applaud you for that.

Catrina: Thank you.

Xzibit: Make sure you find the right partner. Because it’s fun in the beginning, but then it begins to teeter totter and becomes not fun.

Tammy: Right, and so many women in cannabis have signed their company away and had no idea that they signed their company away.

Catrina: The dairy industry that I’m getting into makes about over 14 billion dollars a year. Other companies have tried to figure this out but just couldn’t get it.

It took me a year, but I figured it out. With adding cannabis into dairy, especially the way I do it, the industry earnings should triple.

Xzibit: It’s definitely a great product. 6 months from now, I’d love to see your status and I’d love to see you in stores.

When distributors look at this, do they give you any questions or solutions?

Catrina: They did. One distributor that approached me, who I won’t name, was simply too far from LA and they would have to charge so much just to get it out there.

Right now, I have some people helping me to get meetings with the right distributor for me, so that I can expand without compromising price.

Xzibit: What’s the end goal? Do you want to build this company and sell it? Do you want to move to other products? What does the future look like for Blazin Scoops?

Catrina: I want to keep everything, but I can also make the right person rich. I know that this is endless, so I’m open to sharing the love.

I like to think about it in a spiritual way. What are we really here to do? To create something. That’s what matters most to me. If I’m not creating something new, then what am I doing?

Xzibit: Well said! Catrina, I really enjoy your spirit. I think you have a great product, and in 6 to 8 months from now when you’re in stores I want you to come back and tell us what’s going on.

Tell us if you ever got tired of making all this shit by yourself!

Catrina: Thank you, I appreciate it. It’s all made with love, and love never dies out!

Tammy: That counts so much, people underestimate that all the time.

Xzibit: Well, we’ve got some more ice cream to eat. How can people get in touch with you and try your product since it’s not in stores?

Catrina: I have a website, it’s www.blazinscoops.com. IG is @BLAZINSCOOP.

Xzibit: So they can just order from the website, and you’ll ship it to them?

Catrina: No, we are only serving Los Angeles at the moment. We will be working to expand into other states and areas in the future.

Xzibit: Well, godspeed! It’s the Lasagna Ganja Podcast with X to the Z, Xzibit.

Tammy: And your girl Tammy a.k.a. The Cannabis Cutie.

Xzibit: We had a great time today, and I’m actually feeling really good from the ice cream now.

Tammy: I can’t even see your eyes any more.

Xzibit: Yeah, the sun has set! It’s the Lasagna Ganja Podcast, see ya’ next time.


Ep 22: More Than Just The Plant with Tucky Blunt


Ep 20: From Doctor to Cannapreneur with Teddy Bang