Stop Being a THC Digger

Why THC Percentages Shouldn’t Be Your Focus When Buying Bud

Before testing requirements were established for cannabis and THC percentages became common, we used to select bud using just our eyes and our nose.

We would look at the buds, smell them, and choose what we felt most drawn to based on our bodily instincts.

Now that THC percentages are available, it seems that people are placing far too much emphasis on this number.

Why is this a bad idea? Because THC content is NOT the only factor that determines your high.

The terpenes, which are the plant’s natural aromatic oils, more so determine the effect and how high you get.

So next time you’re choosing your bud, be sure to use your eyes and nose to feel into what’s right for your body!

To learn more about the science of how cannabis interacts with our bodies, check out my Cannabis 101 online course.


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