THC Overdose: Is It Possible?

Here’s Why It’s Physiologically Impossible to Have a Deadly OD on Cannabis*

You may have heard that a coroner in that state of Louisiana said that there was a death related to THC overdose.

First of all….no.

And second, let’s get to the facts, shall we? Let’s talk about how deadly opioid overdoses occur to begin with.

When you take high doses of opioids, the part of the brain that controls all of the automatic functions that your body does—like breathing & coughing—gets impaired.

As a result, you experience respiratory depression, and you can stop breathing on your own.

This becomes especially fatal when you add alcohol and other drugs into the mix.

The part of the brain that’s responsible for these automatic functions is the brainstem—and it has few to no CB1 receptors!!

This means that no matter how much cannabis you consume, it will not affect your breathing.

And this is why, there is NO 👏🏽 SUCH 👏🏽 THING 👏🏽 as a cannabis overdose.

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*The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider. Read our full Health Disclaimer.


The Kent State Massacre & How It Was Used as Anti-Cannabis Propaganda


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