Let’s Sesh With The Blunt Blowin’ Mama

Why Most Cannabis “Studies” Are Bullsh*t, Being a CannaMom During Covid + Why I’ve Got So Many Haters 🤷🏽‍♀️

Had so much fun with the one and only Blunt Blowin’ Mama in this interview!

Check out the highlights of our discussion below, or listen to the full interview right here.

And be sure to follow her on Instagram!

Blunt Blowin’ Mama: Hey and welcome to the Blunt Blowin’ Mama Podcast. I am joined today by a super special guest, and we’re going to cover a whole bunch of topics. 

Let's get into it. CNN published an article saying that weed smokers have more ER visits than someone who does not smoke. Did you see that?

Tammy: I did not see that.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: There were a lot of other things that they said that were wrong, but they did bring up some really good points. 

I can see more weed users going to the ER because of the fact that if you smoke weed the first time and it's bad, you think you’re gonna die and so you go to the ER.

Or if you smoke a high potency THC strain and are not used to that, you're gonna get scared.

A lot of people were like, “oh, people are just trying to talk shit about weed!” But this does happen to people. 


People do have horrible experiences with weed. And it's because of a lack of education, right?

Tammy: Yes, ER visits are up for cannabis users. But it goes to a lack of education. 

If people knew that when you are overdosed on cannabis, which means you're at a point where it's not comfortable, and maybe you are having thoughts that you feel like you're going to die, when you go to that hospital, you are about to pay for the most expensive nap you've ever had because there's nothing they can do for you.

They might give you an IV for hydration, but you're gonna go take a nap and then you're gonna get billed for that. 

So if people knew that the hospital can't do anything for you, there would be fewer ER visits.

And then I'm really sick of the propaganda headlines. They are not offering any solutions.

And then a lot of the studies that they're reporting on are not actually legit studies.

If you go back and you look at the study design, these studies are not done in a way that would be respected. If it was a study on something else, their colleagues would call them out and say the design is flawed. 

But in the drug world, they get away with this. It's so self-serving. You always need to check and see who is funding these things.

The media is never going to work in our favor. We just have to know that so whenever you see these headlines, know that yes, there's facts. 

But cannabis is not good for everyone, just like exercise is not good for everyone. 

Blunt Blowin' Mama: You can use black peppercorn to come down from an overdose.

Tammy: Definitely chew on peppercorn. You’ve got to do a cost benefit analysis. LIke, is it worth it?

Blunt Blowin' Mama: It may be if you feel like you're falling into the floor.

Tammy: Basically, you can come down  with black peppercorn. They say CBD is known to help with the high, but there's an offset. Nothing is free, right? 

So maybe CBD can bring down your high, but your high is going to last a whole lot longer. But I’m telling you, take a nap.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: Now, you’re a mom. How old are your kids?

Tammy: I have an 11 year old and a 7 year old.

I've got one boy that is already socially behind. And then COVID made that worse.

And then my daughter is 11, an age where she's feeling so much. So every little thing is the end of the world. 

And then my son, he's just the sweetest soul, but he definitely has ADHD.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: So do your kids know about the Cannabis Cutie. Do they know about weed? Do you talk to them?

Tammy: Yes. So, my daughter wants to run the company!

During COVID, I taught my kids. Everybody started growing their own food through the pandemic, so I started growing my own weed. 

So while we were in the backyard planting things, they were seeing the process.

And at the end of it, I asked what the difference was between these plants and these plants? They couldn’t tell me. And I told them they couldn't touch the marijuana plants. 

They're like, “What do you mean? Did it hurt you? Is it evil? Do we do anything special?” No, just water it.

And I told them that when they get to school, there's gonna be a police officer that's gonna tell them that this plant is evil. 

But you just have to remember that you watched it grow with sunlight and water. And there was nothing evil between this and the lemons and the herbs and the peppers and the guava tree.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: You’re THE Cannabis Cutie now. You’ve been on the rise. What's it been like? What’s the past three years been like for you? What have you been up to?

Tammy: The past three years? It all feels like one year because of COVID. So, it just kind of took off.

I was doing these car videos and had no idea what was going to happen. I just knew that the people needed to know about the truth. I had to say it. 

And then it turned out that everybody had this need. They wanted education. 

They’d ask me if I could explain cannabis here or speak about it there or talk about it on a show? I’d collaborate and it turned into this really beautiful thing.

And it's great because I'm just being myself. That's also part of why it's so successful, I think,  because I'm not doing anything but being myself. 

And I think on the internet, a lot of people are looking for authenticity.

Even though Instagram is trying to take me out!

Blunt Blowin' Mama: How many times have you been deactivated by Instagram so far?

Tammy: So far? Nine times as of today. Yeah, I just came back today.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: What do you do when your page is deactivated?

Tammy: First thing is that they log you out and you can’t log back in for 24 hours. I'll go on my backup page and let everybody know what happened.

And then I'm gonna dip out and come back 24 hours later. I’ll fill out the form, and I'm usually back. But it's very frustrating.

I put so much love and energy into shaping people's perspective and having conversations, and I feel like I’m abandoning my community when this happens.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: I'm just sad that it's gotten to the point where you're numb about it.

Tammy: Before I would be so mad. I’d be waiting for the white screen to pop up.

I already have one of the mildest cannabis accounts on the internet. You don't really see me smoking or consuming. 

I also understand what I'm doing and that there's a lot of people who don't like what I do.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: Who doesn’t like what you’re doing?

Tammy: I've heard things from people who follow me. One, it's the name. There's that insecurity of ‘how dare she call herself cute’ and ‘why does she have to lead with that?

Blunt Blowin' Mama: Really?

Tammy: Yeah. Followers, business partners, their wives and girlfriends. They could be blast reporting me all day. And followers are like, “Yeah, my wife hates you.

Blunt Blowin' Mama: What advice would you give to a content creator if they are experiencing deactivations or shadow bans?

Tammy: Shadow bans are demoralizing. Instagram will never admit to it, but they're real. 

But if you're dealing with these things, the best thing that I can say is take care of your mental health.  

Blunt Blowin' Mama: Okay, so this has been an amazing chat. Thank you so much for joining me. It's been such a dope conversation.

Tammy: Thank you for having me on.


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